Well, today is our last full day in Caye Caulker. It's bittersweet, because although we are sad to leave all our new friends and brothers and sisters, we are looking forward to seeing and spending time with Gwen and Henry Kemp and experience a bit of their life here in Belize!
We woke ready to go in the ministry. As we walked to the Kingdom Hall, Gordon decided that he wanted a fry jack. He is now officially a fry jack head!!!! A fry jack is a combination of different meats, cheese and or vegetables placed in a warm pita biscuit...those were Gordon's words! LOL
I decided to head to the bakery and grab a tasty treat. I turn around and who shows up?!??! My buddy Richard! We had made plans to work together in the ministry today! His mom had to work, but he came on his own. Richard and I headed to the bakery and bought a couple of cinnamon rolls and then headed the Kingdom Hall. Gordon..where's Gordon?!??!?! Fry Jack Head I said!!!!
So during the meeting for service, I had mentioned that I had little Richard with me, and Gordon asked to work with a young brother named William. He is 13 years old, his mom and dad are Witnesses. Gordon took a liking to him Wednesday at the meeting...he really needs someone to take an interest in him, so Gordon asked to work with him.
So the four of us were off, with the other members of the...the...well, I can't call it a car group because we was walking...so we'll just call it our shoe group! LOL There was a really nice sized group out this morning. Because the congregation is so small, about 20 publishers, there is just one field service group for the congregation.
I busted Rick coming out of the bakery....
So Richard and I were able to speak a little to a cousin of his that was napping with her baby, and then all of a sudden Gordon and William disappeared. Richard was so cute he was looking out for me, "you wait here in the shade and I'll see if they are down here." He's so sweet! So we are asking people, "have you seen a tall black man?!?!?" Yes, Gordon is kind of tall here! LOL Finally, one guy said, "yes, he's in there!" There Gordon and William were in a scuba shop sitting down just a preaching! It's kind of like when Jesus was missing and his parents were looking for him...he was like, now you know where I would be! LOL
He motioned for me and Richard to come in. He was speaking with a man by the name of Bert who was raised a Witness. His father died when he was only 7 years old, he had a rough life after that...saying that they were "po...cuz we couldn't afford the 'or'"! We had a very very nice conversation with him. He has a lot of questions, like why does God allow the bad to prosper while those who try to do good suffer? Why can't he just worship in his own home? We were able to explain to him that everything he is asking has the answer found in the Bible. He even asked why it was suppose to be wrong to celebrate birthdays. It just touched my heart so much because Richard said, "I know...it's because there was king name Herod and he had a daughter who danced for him..." and he proceeds to tell the whole story! It just brought tears to my eyes to hear him speak about the things that he has learned from his Bible study.
It was funny because Bert asked if we wanted water and Richard said yes, and he pulls out this bag of water! I mean a bag of water, and he was like, "you know how to drink this right?" Uh...no, it's a bag of water! LOL Remember how when you were a kid and you would have some liquid in a ziplock bag and you would cut the corner of it and drink the water out?!??! Don't act like you didn't do it, but it was something like that. He said that it is really useful because you can freeze it and use it to keep other drinks cold, and then when it thaws you can drink it, when it's frozen you can put it on an injury...it was quite interesting....
We were finishing up with Bert and told him that we were leaving Caye Caulker tomorrow and told him how much we enjoyed our conversation. He said to us that many people will come and talk to him, but no one comes back. He said that he never says that he is too busy to talk to anyone about the Bible. That is just an example of the respect that the people here have for the Bible. He just kept saying that no one ever comes back. Gordon said to him, "I promise, I'll be back!" Bert said, "I'll be here!"
So we then head towards the pharmacy because we were told that they have parasite medication to kill any parasites that you might have and any future one for up to five months. So of course we had to stop at Jerry's for our fruit juice smoothies...so we all drank up.
We make it to the pharmacy, and it's a really decent pharmacy. I even asked the clerk if there was cellulose in the meds and she was able to go online to check for me. For any medications here, you do not need a prescription, and the parasite medication for a 3-day regimen was only $6 Belizian - $3 US! Huh?!??! Are you serious???!!? When I was dealing with my parasite issue in the States they wanted a stool sample, hundreds of dollars and my first born! We were told that because they are so use to parasites, they know how to treat them.
Gordon told the clerk that he wasn't sure if he was going to take them, because he wasn't sure if he had parasites. The clerk said, "You're here in Belize...you have parasites. Everyone here has parasites." In fact, every 6 months they treat all of the school children for parasites. With all of the imported food into the US I should have gotten some extra supplies! LOL Gordon was even able to get some sinus drops that is a decongestant, pain reliever and antibiotic!!! No Rx! For like $9 US a bottle! He bought two! Unfortunately, the parasite meds does have a little cellulose in it, but I figure I rather deal with the reaction to the cellulose than deal with parasites! LOL And so that all of you know that I do have a little sense and am being cautious about my health, I decided to wait until I get back to the states to take them, just in case I have some type of reaction....see me not stupid! LOL (Now if I start having parasite issues...ummm I'm taking them, but at least I have them!)
While we were waiting for the meds we took a group picture!
I look so bald with my new do! SMH!!! But braids have been a life saver! I even considered either going natural or cutting off my hair if...I mean when we move to Belize! Wow...the things that you do for Jehovah!
So okay, William and Richard wanted to do some more door-to-door so we headed back toward the territory. As we were walking past the Kingdom Hall there was Mirella sitting on the step, as well as Snowy which is William's dog. I tried to take a picture of Snowy, but guess who photo bombed it! LOL Where's Waldo...I mean Mirella??!?!? LOL And there is Richard giving her rabbit ears!
We said our good byes and kept walking and ran into a young lady by the name of Stephanie who was sitting at the Laundromat. I was able to offer the tract asking if would suffering end...she had a baby on her lap that had such beautiful hair...I thought it was a girl! LOL It was a boy by the name of Kynre. Of course I had to give him some candy.......LOL!
By now it's almost 11:30 am, and you know what that means..you guessed it, it's almost 1000 degrees outside (have you noticed that every day I increase the temperature number?!?!? LOL) The boys wanted to keep working door-to-door but my momma ain't raise no fool, it's time to go home! Ya'll think I'm playing...but you just can't continue! You have to get out of the heat or it will mess you up for the rest of the day! Believe me...been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and the hat!
So the boys wanted to see the hotel that we were staying in. We had a nice time just talking to them about what their goals were, and what they wanted to do when they graduated. I even had a chance to encourage them to be obedient to their teachers in school and not to fight! It was so funny when I asked if they behaved in school or if they got into fights, you should have seen Richard's face, it just dropped! LOL He was honest and said that he gets into fights in school! So we just encouraged him that if he wants to serve Jehovah he has to be sure that he is obedient and does his work and not get into any fights! (In my mind I went back to the conversation I had with his mom Rosita!)
We started heading to our hotel but came across a restaurant that was having a really good special. So we decided to stop for a bite to eat. Now remember Snowy, Williams dog? Well he started hanging out with us. Dogs just roam free here, it's quite interesting....
So the restaurant that we wanted to go to, I guess Snowy wanted to go there too! We couldn't keep him outside! LOL He kept coming in! It was hilarious..so guess what? We had to leave! LOL So we ended up going to the restaurant across from our hotel where Snowy could join us for lunch.
The boys (and myself) were so excited because they have swings that sit over the water. We enjoyed that until our food arrived.
We finished our meal, Richard had to leave to head to Rick and Donna's for his Bible study. Gordon and I changed so that we could finally take a dip in the water. So we were heading back with William, walking him home along the way. Gordon had to stop a dog fight that was about to go down between Snowy and this other pit bull. This pit bull ran out of the yard thru his owner's business and was coming for our Snowy! Gordon went into action. William kept saying, "that was a girl dog, she wouldn't have bothered my dog!" We kept trying to tell him that that dog was about to tear Snowy UP! Fortunately the owner came right away...my husband always trying to be the hero...it makes me so nervous some time!
We ran into our girl Dayani and had the opportunity to invite her to the meeting tomorrow! We had to have William explain to her where the Kingdom Hall was in Kriol because she has only been on the island for three weeks.
We finally made it to William's house (it's funny trying to walk thru the town because you just stop to talk to everyone...I told Gordon now I understand the scripture about not even stopping to say a greeting, because you would always be late!!!)
We said good-bye to William and he gave us both a hug and said, "thank you for everything!" It was so amazing to see how he came out of his shell throughout the day. It was just so cool to see him get comfortable with us and start to open up and express himself. He just needs someone to take a personal interest in him....hmmmm, are you thinking what I'm thinking?!?!? LOL
We get to Rick and Donna's and guess who's there...you guessed right..Richard! On our way there Gordon stopped to get some bbq chicken, potato salad and rice ($4 US) at his favorite place...look familiar?
So when we got to Rick and Donna's (well actually before we got there to be honest with you) he was throwing down!
This is Rick and Donna's house. It sits real high and looks out over the ocean. She has made it so homey! I know that we can have a home like this, I just want to be able to have a home that I can also make homey for us. A home that all of you can come visit us...just don't come all at once! LOL
We are getting ready to get into the water, when Donna comes out and asks if we minded if Richard swam with us...of course not! Richard is a hot mess! He got into the water with his t-shirt and pants on! SMH
Okay, so check this out, they have a pier with steps that go down into the water, and Donna told us to be careful because they were really slippery! So we made it down and they were slippery. Okay, so now it's time to get out of the water...ROFL! ROFL! ROFL! okay...okay...I stepped on the second step and it broke and I hit my shin! Now yesterday, I was falling off my bike, today I was breaking steps! If they weren't so old I would have took it personal that I was wayyyyy overweight. So I was able to make it up the steps....Richard was able to make it up the steps...Gordon, well....that's a different story! LOL ROFL! First he tried to pull himself up on the pier...well, the pier is too tall, so he's jumping and trying to pull himself up and keeps falling!!!! I wish, ohhhhh I wish that I had a video camera, but I have it recorded in my mind and I'm sitting here cracking up as I type this! Gordon kept trying to pull himself up and falling...so I was like Gordon walk to the rocks and I'll bring you your towel...no, he wants to keep trying to pull himself up by the pier. Then he got a leg cramp! Now you know Richard was cracking up! Gordon said that he spent most of his trip being laughed at by Richard! So, okay, Gordon started to walk towards the rocks and so came to a lower pier, so I suggested that he try to pull himself up on that pier...child! Let me tell you! He finally pulled himself up and just laid there on the pier!!!!! Richard told him that there was bird poop on the pier, but he just laid there for like 5 minutes! (We are cracking up together as I type this!!!) It was HILARIOUS!!!!!
Then him and Richard started to have a battle with the swim noodles! Next thing we know Richard is covered almost head to toe in sand...I don't know what Gordon did to that poor boy!
We then sat and talked with Rick and Donna for a little while asking additional questions about life on Caye Caulker. I told Donna that I mentioned to Gordon earlier (and I couldn't believe that I said it) but that I can see myself living here...not having to ease into it. Giving up our apartment and just moving down. I feel such a part of the congregation and the community, I just really hate to leave tomorrow! Gordon feels the same...once again, we know that we have one more stop to check out in Big Falls, but I think our heart is here in Caye Caulker. Donna started to cry again...I started to cry with her...it was quite emotional.
We headed back to the hotel, Gordon had to work on his talk for the tomorrow and I had to start to get things packed up. Oh, I wanted to show you a picture of their cemetery, where the bodies have to be buried in a tomb on top of the ground, and outdoor cinema (which runs current movies that are in the movie theater right now) and they also have a place where people can go and play video games....
And there's Gordon eating the rest of his chicken on the way home...
So we see our girl Dayani working at her booth. We (meaning I) shopped a little and I found this beautiful necklace that I thought my sister Pookie would like, so Dayani was going to give it to me for $20 Belizean less than it cost, so I told her to hold it and I would be back. When we headed back she held it for me, but she said that he boss said that she couldn't sell it for that price...Dayani was trying to give us the hook-up! LOL She even asked again where the Kingdom Hall was again and what time the meeting started! Then Gordon in his generous self slipped her a few dollars ...again ...but she's such a sweet girl, and only 15 years old and she work harder than some grown people I know! We gave her a hug just in case we didn't see her, and she said that she was definitely going to come tomorrow! We'll see, we hope that she does come.
It's funny because I was told that how churches get people to come is that they offer them a free lunch after the service. So some times people come to the Kingdom Hall and when it's over they sit there and say, "Ok, so I came, where's the food!" LOL They have to then tell them that they received spiritual food! LOL
So we head down to Roger's for our last dinner (this time LOL!) on the island! Gordon once again is trying to get customers for Roger (I'll be honest, I tried a little too) and tonight the joint was hopping! Roger didn't even have enough seats for folk! Gordon grabbed the pepper shaker and went to the entrance way and started serenading the people walking by! SMH Ya'll...why ain't ya'll praying for me...cuz he still acting crazy! LOL
Then the food came and it got real quiet! LOL Roger even got us some pig skin...crackling like my dad use to make when I was a kid! Yummy!!!!
Roger told Gordon again that he wanted him to quit his job in the States and come and work for him here Caye Caulker. This time he went as far as to state the salary and say that he will give a free condo...SMH
It is so funny to watch the dogs here, because especially for outdoor dining they just pop up just about the time that your food come! Some time you just can't resist feeding them...
So back to the room we go to get ready for tomorrow. We have to get up and get Gordon his fry jack, cuz he a (say it with me...) Fry Jack Head! LOL Then the meeting starts at 10am. We have to store our luggage somewhere, because check-out time is 10:30 am. We catch our water taxi to Belize City at 1:30 pm, and our express bus to Dangriga at 3:45 pm. We really need to catch our express bus, because we don't want to be stuck on the "Chicken Bus" The express bus takes 90 minutes to reach its destination, the Chicken Bus takes 6 hours, and there can be chickens on the bus. You heard me! It's an old school bus, and they stop at anyone that is standing for the bus, they can be just 50 feet apart from one another, but they stop at each one! SMH...so I pray that we are able to catch our correct bus.
We really really really really enjoyed Caye Caulker! It's going to be so hard and emotional to leave tomorrow! This trip thus far has been life changing! It has made us reevaluate everything about ourselves and our plans! We are ready to go! Holla! LOL
I spoke to Gwen Kemp today and told her how much we enjoyed Caye Caulker, and she said that Dangriga is not Caye Caulker! LOL She mentioned to me before that Belize City is like 3rd world...Dangriga is 5th world! Child...now you know this is going to get interesting, but it will be an amazing experience! We hope to make contact with a brother in Big Falls so that we can make our visit there!
So stayed tuned guys! Thanks for reading! Love you all! Until tomorrow!
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